I hustled into the house, snapped a few before pictures and stepped out of the way so the movers could start unpacking my long-lost things! With each box they brought in, it felt like Christmas. I hadn't seen any of my stuff in almost 3 months and at least half of it hadn't even been opened yet (thanks to wedding presents/new furniture that we bought before the move).
The first things that the movers brought in were my couch and chaise lounge. I was so excited to see my furniture. They started bringing in box after box stacking them in the rooms they thought they went in. When it came to our brand new mattress and box springs there was a bit of a mess. The couldn't get our box springs up the stairs. I was panicking. I told them that we had to get that bed upstairs. They kept trying and trying but nothing budged. Finally, they took the light fixtures off the wall and told us they might scuff the newly painted walls. We said whatever you have to do just get it upstairs. After what seemed like hours, they finally forced the box springs upstairs. The walls have huge scratches on them but we sleep peacefully in our bed!
The movers left and I breathed a sigh of relief. We had all of our stuff and we were going to be able to sleep on our new bed. Adam and I immediately got to work unpacking/
unloading/folding and cleaning. After the first day, we had made a small dent in a huge project. We ended the night with almost the entire kitchen put together.
In the midst of the unpacking and organizing, Adam was still required to go to work leaving me with a lot of the work. I didn't mind as I like to decorate. Adam put together a lot of our our new furniture on his spare time. He is quite the handy man. I did all the laundry that had been stored, washed every dish we owned and lugged boxes up and down the stairs to the appropriate rooms. It was hard work but so worth it.
Two trips to Ikea, two trips to Mobel Martin (a massive German home interior store that I love) , multiple trips the BX and a week of unpacking and our house was really coming together. In the midst of my manic unpacking sessions, I got a call about the job I'd applied for. I was one of only two people that had made it to the interview stage. I had two days to prepare for the interview. I was really excited. I really wanted that job.
I was really depressed through this entire house moving phase. We didn't have internet or my car for almost two entire weeks after we moved in. Both the internet company and the car salesman had given us specific dates on when we would receive their services. Both of them were at least a week late. No internet meant no contact with my family which is not okay with me. No car meant stranded, again, and this time I was 20 minutes from Ramstein, not six. A few breakdowns and my husband couldn't take anymore. He figured out a way to get me temporary internet so I could at least talk to my mom and sister. He is so sweet.
Finally, the internet and car came and I was happier than ever. I went to the job interview and felt really good about how I did. I found out two days later that I had gotten the position. It is by far the best opportunity I have every had. There are mulitple opportunites for growth and it is in a field that I am really interested in, Financial Management.
I have started training and I think I'm going to love it. I work with some really nice people and I get to wear jeans! I'm really excited about that. I got to go on a mini-shopping spree for a new work wardrobe. I plan on dressing for the position that I want...the boss...not the position that I have :).
So it seems as though things are really looking up here. Adam am I are planning a few weekend excursions including: Poland, Paris and Frankfurt (to see One Republic!!!). I joined a spouses group for my husbands job and I am also planning on joining the Gym and taking a few workout classes. I'm excited for this opportunity even if it's hard.